General Information:
The best place to find general information about the Blind Brook athletic department is on our website. It is constantly updated with relevant information.
Program Rules and Procedures:
Please be sure to read and review our Interscholastic Athletic Handbook prior to registration for our athletic program. The Handbook can help answer questions you have about our program philosophy, team rules, and general expectations for participants in our program.
Game Schedules:
We manage a website that is updated live with all the latest game information. Please visit to find the most up-to-date game information. If games are cancelled or postponed, this site gets updated first. Conversations with the developer are ongoing, in an attempt to load practice schedule information and to generate push notifications to users.
Practice Schedules:
Our team coaches are responsible for notifying team members about important practice information. Some of our coaches rely on an app called REMIND, to generate push notification to team members about practice information. Some information can be found on our Athletics Website, but team coaches will have the best information about practices.
To get the latest scores, newspaper articles, and general announcements, please follow us on Twitter @bbtrojan.
Occasionally, the athletic department will send out blast e-mails to the community regarding essential information. Most usually, this communication is reserved for the open of our seasonal program registration, reminders about important deadlines, and the scheduling of high profile competitions (homecoming, post-season play, etc.).