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Transportation will be provided for all resident children who legally attend public, private or parochial school from 0.75 to 15 miles from their homes, as required by State Education Law. Any student in kindergarten through 5th grade will be eligible if he or she lives more than 0.75 miles from the school and a student in grades 6-12 will be eligible if he or she lives more than 1.5 miles from the school. The measurement is made from the home driveway to the school driveway along the shortest route. Any resident, now living in the district, who applies on or before April 1 of each year will be provided with transportation if they meet the above mileage criteria; the District will accept late applications if a reasonable explanation is provided, as required by law. New residents will need certified proof of the date of residence and will be provided transportation only if applications are filed within 30 days after moving into the district, and in accordance with Chapter 3635 of the New York State Education Law. 

Board of Education Policy 5720

Adopted 10-20-08

Scheduling & Routing

Bus routes will be established under the direction of the Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Facilities in cooperation with the District transportation facilitator.

Authorized Bus Stops:

These will be located at convenient intervals in places where students may board and disembark, cross roadways, and await the arrival of buses with the utmost safety allowed by road conditions.

Fixed Stops:

Fixed bus stops will be established using the following guidelines:

a. Numbers of students at bus stops will be varied according to the concentration of riders in an area, the degree of traffic, and bus turn-around requirements.

b. An effort will be made to minimize crossing of the road by students.

Private Roads:

Transportation will not be provided on roadways that have not been dedicated and/or maintained by town, county, and/or state highway departments.

Turn Arounds:

Turn arounds will not be established unless adequate space is available and this space is properly maintained. No turn around will be permitted if it requires the bus being backed up to make the turn.

District Map:

Maps will be used in determining the transportation requirements necessary to satisfy the needs established by state law, Board policy and voter mandate. This map will clearly show student location, loading and unloading locations, and routes traveled. The map will be reviewed annually.

Board of Education Policy 5720

Adopted 10-20-08

Play Dates

Playdates are allowed on buses during full-days of school. You must provide a note for your child on the morning of the specific day your child will be riding the bus with his/her friend. Under no circumstances is the note to go directly to the bus driver. The note MUST be brought into school and it will be checked by your child’s teacher. The note will be returned to your child at the end of the day so that your child gives it to the bus driver when he/she gets on the bus in the afternoon. Playdates are not allowed on buses on half-days of school or early dismissal days.

Late Bus

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday ONLY @ 3:50 pm departure

**NO Late Bus on Friday**

Bus #11 - Belle Fair, Kingfield, Doral     Bus #08 - RSS & Everywhere else

Bus #04 - Daily @ 3:05 pm departure


Juan Zhindon

Head Bus Driver
Transportation Overview 24-25
First page of the PDF file: TransportationOverview24-25
Pupil Transportation Handbook 24-25
First page of the PDF file: PupilTransportationHandbook24-25
Permission to Walk
First page of the PDF file: PermissiontoWalkRSSForm
Permission to Bike
First page of the PDF file: PermissiontoBikeRSSForm
School Bus Safety Info 2024
First page of the PDF file: SchoolBusSafetyInfo2024