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Special Education District Plan

Special Education District Plan 2022-2024

Statement of Assurances

The Board of Education of the Blind Brook-Rye Union Free School District (the District) as a part of a long standing commitment to excellence in education for all students, supports the provision of special education and related services for students with disabilities, offered in the least restrictive placement appropriate, to meet the needs of its students under the auspices of the Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education.

In support of State and Federal laws pertaining to students with disabilities, the Board of Education supports a full continuum of services in the District to enable it to meet, within District, the needs of the majority of its identified students.

These programs and services are designed:

To afford each student the appropriate level of support necessary to meet New York State Standards.

To provide each student with those special educational services necessary to enable the student to meet his/her annual goals.

To afford each identified student with the opportunity to participate to the greatest extent appropriate in all programs and activities offered by the district.

To give each identified student genuine opportunities to develop those skills and make those connections necessary to meet post-secondary goals.

By action of the Board of Education in a regularly scheduled meeting held on January 4, 2022 the Board adopted its District Plan.

Blind Brook-Rye UFSD Special Education District Plan 2022-2024