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Dear Families, I hope you have had a wonderful summer. With your continued support, several major projects were initiated this summer. 


Welcome to the Blind Brook-Rye School District Technology Department. The department consists of a director, two computer teachers, a technology teacher, a computer aide, a dedicated data clerk and an office clerk. An outside consultant firm provides help desk and engineering support. A Board-appointed technology planning committee consisting of administrators, teachers, community members, students and a board representative meet monthly to construct the district technology plan, establish goals and evaluate the District’s progress in meeting those goals.Welcome to our web site. Please enjoy its resources and feel free to communicate your thoughts and suggestions for improving it.


Every building within the district is fully networked through fiber optic, allowing users to efficiently share data and applications. Secured, dedicated servers house the district’s website, library software, finance databases and instructional software. All computers in the district are connected to the Internet through filtered access in keeping with CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act) regulations. Additionally, a fully managed wireless networking environment has been implemented.

Hardware & Software in Buildings

The Blind Brook-Rye School District is committed to technology integration. Computer stations are located within every classroom in the District. Fixed and wireless mobile labs are available as well in every building, with a concentration of computers in the Instructional Media Centers at both campuses.

One hundred percent of classrooms district-wide are outfitted with front-and-center, interactive SMART boards. Students and teachers enjoy access to a wide variety of peripheral devices such as networked copier/scanners, personal response systems, science probes, document cameras, webcams, and digital video cameras. Teachers avail themselves of a wide variety of instructional software that permits them to expose students to electronic libraries and search engines, sophisticated mathematical databases, college application software, video-streaming and editing, DVD and multimedia applications, computer-assisted drafting modules, a heart-monitor graphing system, interactive assessment programs and graphics arts tools, among others.

An array of assistive technological devices for special education students promotes student achievement and provides access to equitable instruction. Administrators and teachers enjoy an upgraded finance, payroll and accounting management system, professional development software, transportation routing software, electronic help desk and work order systems, student information reporting and grading systems, web site design and curriculum mapping softwares, and email.

Finally, our still ongoing upgrade of the district web site is designed to attend to one of the most primary functions of the district — to expand the communicative capacity of the district by providing a more extensive venue for communication with parents and students beyond the physical boundaries of the school. The web site is available to celebrate student achievement as well as a variety of resources for parents and students to access from home in the interest of furthering student achievement.

Welcome Back Families!
First page of the PDF file: TechnologyDepartmentWelcomeBacktoFamiliescopy


Charles Von Hollen

Charles Von Hollen

Director of Technology
Kathryn Gambino

Kathryn Gambino

Technology Facilitator
Zachary Dore

Zachary Dore

Video Camera Operator

Deirdre Smithies

Sr. Office Assistant, Data Clerk
Erin Carbone

Erin Carbone

Sr. Office Assistant