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As a general rule, students are discouraged from inviting guests to accompany them to school. In special circumstances, however, such requests may be accommodated providing the following procedures have been adhered to:
  1. Such requests must be made by a student and the student’s parent at least one day (24 hours) in advance of the proposed visits.
  1. A visitor’s form is obtained from the Middle School or High School Office, depending on the grade he/she will visit. This must be signed by the appropriate administrator.
  1. The host student accepts full responsibility for his or her guest and the guest agrees to conduct himself/herself according to the rules governing our student body. The guest agrees to remain with his/her host at all times. The right to visit may be terminated at any time at the option of the administration.
  1. No visitors are permitted during examination periods or when area schools are closed and our school remains open.
  1. Student guests are limited to one visit during each academic year.